Monday, April 1, 2013

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Friday, January 4, 2013

See? I already missed yesterday!

I have a photo of the "now" cool shelf. I'll do that today or tomorrow.

Now, let me introduce Bucky. He entered the house a cardboard brown, but after a makeover, he is super fantastic.
I've wanted one of these for a year now. I'm madly in love.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

just this

Today, I took myself on a mini-adventure. I got the opportunity to take a private tour of a vineyard that a very dear friend works at. Alas, there were no pictures to be taken. I have having too much fun hanging with my friend & getting a lesson in wine & beer making. It was a wonderful morning. And, wine & beer tastings at 10am is always a good thing in my opinion.

The rest of my day was spent running house errands & all the normal things. But, there was a new dress & shoes involved.

One day, I'm going to figure out how to do a "what I wore post". But, my husband travels so there is no one to take photos for me. I need a lesson on doing them myself.

Monday, March 26, 2012

I love it when I score.

I'm not feeling my best this evening, but I have to share my find from today. I had a few hours free while Soph was on a playdate & I decided to hit the closest Goodwill. 
I got a few clothes. One dress that I'm really excited about. 
And this. 

She needs a new coat of white & some new knobs (that I saw at another store yesterday). I thought she was going in this space in the craft room, but she doesn't quite fit. There is a second place that may be absolutely perfect for her. I can't wait to get her cleaned up. 
Price: $15. 
I HAD to get her!